Saturday, February 16, 2008

I have contacted both of my informants and spoke to them both about participating in this with me and about what i am going to use in class. One is an 18 year old boy who attends stockton and is a Freshman. My other informant is a Freshman at a college in Rhode Island. I have spoke with them online a few times and i should be meeting with the boy on tuesday and with the girl next weekend when she comes down to my hometown and her weekend getaway. The only thing i am really nervous about is finding all this time to spend with them because she is here on wekeends i can only meet with her for an hour on the weekends or sometimes 2 hours and the boy is joining a fraternity so his time is also limited i am going to be able to meet with them once a week but also i can talk to them on the internet and over myspace and facebook.

1 comment:

Professor Rubenstein said...

They sound fine--but the time thing is important. You need to establish more than passing relationships with them in order to get some in depth material.